As every year we present you the Camellia exhibitions and events that will take part in Galicia (Spain), where people could see all the beauty of this wonderful flower. This year the beginning is ahead and the end is slightly delayed, so we are facing one of the longest camellia days that are remembered.
This year the calendar starts on November 15 in Vigo. A great event on camellia that will take place in the Tinglado de la Lonja de Vigo and that aspires to become the great event of the year.
In this same city, the International Camellia Exhibition Competition will be held at the end of February in which the main Galician exhibitors will participate.
Other great camellia events will be held in Tui at the beginning of January with its Camellia Show, which, like every year, brings together a huge number of exhibitors of this wonderful flower. O Grove and Domaio also hold exhibitions in January.
In February, we recommend the Exhibition “Marín Camelias e Mar” in Marín and in Tomiño the Contest-Exhibition of Tomiño. In February, the Camellia de Meis Tournament also takes place, unique in its category, and in which golf lovers can enjoy this curious tournament in which the sport is mixed with the flower of Galicia. At the end February you can not miss the Xornadas da Camelia de Rubiáns (Rubiáns-Vilagarcía, days 15 and 16)
This March will be full of camellia exhibitions in all Galician cities. The Camelia Bella Otero Exhibition will take place on March 7 and 8 in Valga. During the 27th and 28th the International Camellia Day will be held in the Pazo Quinteiro da Cruz (Ribadumia). Highly recommended will be the Exhibition of Camellias de Padrón where Acemelia will be present again and is expected to be one of the great events of the season following the trend of recent years. Salceda de Caselas, Sada, Mañón and Ponteareas will also organize exhibitions and exhibitions.
The end of the season will take place at the end of April in Lalín with its sample of camellia and that will put the finishing touch to a very long season of color in our gardens. Although this month we must not forget the Camelia de Lugo and Sanxenxo Exhibition, two events of great importance for the number of people who visit the exhibitions